"It's official, Carol Brooks is the funniest thing around
the corner, to the left and upstairs from Broadway!!"t
Dana Klosner-Wehner, Freelance Journalist
"The Lady Swims Today"
Robert Funaro's performance is strong and on the money. (I won't tell you whether his character gets the money.) William Fowler's portrayal of Mal almost makes the audience almost believe that he really was a pilot who specialized in low flying plane trips (below the radar) from South America. Maureen Van Zandt's portrayal of the different facets of Joyce's character (a travel magazine writer) was outstanding. Maureen is quite a talented performer, which because of Gabby Dante's limited scenes in The Sopranos, one does not really get a chance to appreciate her acting skills. A special star twinkles in the sky for Carol Brooks who joined the theatre company on February 3 to replace Suzanne DiDonna at the last minute. She was fabulous in her role as Beverly (probably the only character in the production with her feet firmly planted in the terra firma of Carney's Point.) --
"Men are Dogs"
MEN ARE DOGS by Joe Simonelli is a sweet sitcom about the life of a woman psychologist. Who needs full reality when we can stir in amusing unreality? The whole cast is quite good, including a very funny Carol Brooks and a strong Steph Van Vlack as the unorthodox shrink. It's group therapy with a Women's Support Group, and the comedy sections work best- a kooky mother (Leslie Wheeler) and the silly Brooks. -- Richmond Shepard,